18. Oktober 2018

Starting Your Own Business Step 1:
Define Your Offer & Your Customers

I'm a content strategist with a heart for small businesses, no: tiny businesses. I love the one-woman/man show. People who have an idea and dare to put themselves out there hoping to make a living off of their idea. Strategy-wise these solopreneurs often feel a bit lost though. Which is only natural if they are not setting out as business coaches. If you are starting out with your own business and need some strategy advice, this post is for you. 

What is a Content Strategy and Why Do You Need One?   

A content strategy is about finding out what content you need to reach your goals, how to produce it, where to publish it and how to manage it. You might also analyze your competition in the process. You could call it a business strategy that will immediately advise the best content output for your business. 

This sounds like it calls for a lot of reflection time, and it does. Like most solopreneurs, you will probably not have the time to sit down and work it out all before you start your venture. This is why I split the "sit down and write stuff down" part in three and will publish one step each month. You can define a content strategy at any step of your journey: Before you launch your business, while starting out or even years in when you are looking for ways to grow.

Step 1: Put Down Your Offer and Reflect on Your Customers

I've put together this reflection sheet for you that you can download and fill out. You don't like to write? Just record your thoughts with your phone. Or create a collage. If you have a specific product you might wonder why you should think about it. It will help you get a clearer picture of your own business and goals. Give it a go and stay tuned for the next step in the series. 

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